April 05, 2007

For the benefit of all

Hello and welcome to this very special blog.

Animation Day is a concept in progress. The purpose of which is to develop Tuesday, April 1, 2008 as a day in which animation professionals, students, fans, organizations and everyone involved in and in love with animation can celebrate the art together.

How this will turn out? Who knows, but we've got nearly a year to the day to have fun with building it out.

I've been hosting an established animation forum for several years and as such, ask the consideration of friends and visitors as I haven't opened the Animation Day blog to comments. One forum is enough and believe me folks, I do appreciate the break in maintaining a discussion situation. If you're interested in actively participating in community discussion concerning Animation Day, feel free to register with AnimationNation.com. Once you've gone through the registration process and have a cleared account, you'll be able to participate online with an incredible group of people.

You won't find any political issues or controversial topics here, industry related or otherwise. Just lots of happiness, goodwill and frequently posted updates as to where Animation Day is heading based upon the input of many talented and enthusiastic individuals and dedicated organizations and support groups.

I've added a link section to the right of the page entitled "Animation Day Includes..." and committed the first organization in support and sponsorship of Animation Day. That's my school, The Animation Academy in Burbank, California and all the great folks associated with it. So there's a start. I'll be posting links to many other sites as this rolls along.

Thank you for visiting. Please consider April 1, 2008 as Animation Day and let's see how far this idea can go.

Yours truly,

Charles Zembillas